Does P90X Make Your Sore?

P90X SorenessDoes P90X make you sore?  I am going to go out on a limb here and say that at least 99% of the people who do P90X will be sore when they get started.  Why? Because the P90X exercise program is an extreme program and chances are that you haven’t done anything like it before.  When I completed my first round of P90X I definitely didn’t know what I was getting myself into. Since I had been running and doing some lifting I though, “How hard can it be?” Needless to say I was surprised and sore and tossed my cookies on day 1. Most people don’t toss their cookies but I really brought the intensity starting on day 1. I don’t recommend you follow in my foot steps but rather do what you can and ease in to it.

For the first week a new muscle group was sore every day.  By the end of my first week of P90X just about every muscle in my body was sore.  Week 2 I was still sore but it was starting to go away a little. By week 3 things will be going good and you should start to see some changes.

Soreness is ok but you do want to prevent injury so listen to the signals your body is sending you.  If you body tells you to slow down and take a break then SLOW DOWN AND TAKE A BREAK!

I have been doing P90X now for about 2 years and I have also mixed in some Insanity and P90X One on One work outs to go along with it to keep it fresh. One of the best decisions I have ever made. (It’s nice to say you are in the best shape of your life at almost 40.)

So I do get sore now.  Well, not too much but sometimes.  I added in a P90X One on One work out called 30/15 and it is kind of like P90X Chest and Back. There are lever pull ups in it that I can’t do for some reason but those darn things make my abs sore just from trying.  I do the pull ups but just can’t quite get my body straight while doing them.

Next up for me is Insanity- The Asylum and I am pretty sure that it is going to make me sore somewhere and it is going to be some killer cardio.

You also might want to check out where to buy P90X supplements to make sure that you are getting everything your body needs while doing P90X.

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