Jeff Ochoa Reaches 2012 Elite Beachbody Coach Status

Jeff Ochoa Reaches 2012 Elite Beachbody Coach Status!

  Looks kind of funny seeing it in  print like that but Google likes it that way. First thing I have to say is that none of this would not be possible without having an amazing team, a group of like minded people who have all decided to take charge of their health, take charge of their finances, grow as a person and help others do the same. Amazing, now that I think about it Beachbody should have ran for president. LOL They are solving the healthcare issue and the job issue.
Jeff Ochoa Reaches 2012 Elite Beachbody Coach Status

Beachbody has truly changed my life and my outlook on it.  I sincerely believe anyone can have success with Team Beachbody if they just work the plan.  Beachbody can change your life if you let it and I am living proof.  My question to anyone is “Why not you?”  Yes, Beachbody can change your life too.

2012 was an amazing year and because of the flexibility running my Beachbody business gives me I was able to do some amazing things.  We spent 5 days in the Bahamas (courtesy of Beachbody), 4 days in southern California and the Laguna Cliffs Mariott (Courtesy of Beachbody), 5 days in Las Vegas, 12 days in Negril Jamaica where I married the woman of my dreams, 4 days in Miami for the bachelor party and New Years Eve at Boyne Mountain Ski Resort almost killing myself snow boarding. (lol, I’m a little better now).  That is the most traveling we have ever done in a year and it and it is all paid off thanks to what I have accomplished with Beachbody. (Even the wedding)

Check out this video from Senior Vice President of Global Sales, Jeff Hill

Hitting Elite Status is no easy task and there are only 96 coaches out of over 100,000 that hit this benchmark in 2012.  Do you think you could see some benefit of working with me? Yeah, I think so too. 🙂  Feel free to contact me to see if becoming a Beachbody coach is for you.

Here are just some of the benefits of hitting Elite Coach status in 2012:

  • 2 VIP floor passes for Coach Summit 2013
  • 2013 Summit “Elite Sneak Peek”
  • Special Elite Recognition throughout the year including on-stage at Summit 2013
  • Two ELITE 1-day conferences, including 1 night hotel accommodations
    – 1 day prior to 2013 Success Club Conference and Celebration (Elite Day March 19th followed by Conference and Celebration March 20-24)
    – 1 day prior to 2013 Success Club Leadership Retreat (Elite Day – Sept 19th followed by Leadership Retreat Sept 20-21)

Pretty awesome stuff if I say so myself.

Jeff Ochoa Elite Coach

Jeff Ochoa and Tony Horton

Jeff Ochoa and Carl Daikeler

Jeff Ochoa Beachbody Summit 2012

Jeff Ochoa and team-Beachbody Summit 2012

Jeff Ochoa Beachbody Summit 2012

Jeff Ochoa and Marcus Ochoa

Beachbody does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach’s income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill. See our Statement of Independent Coach Earnings for the most recent information on our Coaches’ actual incomes.

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