More P90X (Fitness) Motivation

P90X Motivation.  We all need some motivation from time to time. Life happens, things get in the way, there always new hurdles to jump and we have to keep pressing on. Below is a video that gets me going. When I say gets me going, I mean in everything. It inspires my work outs, my business and my life. Hopefully it will do the same for you.  The bottom line is when your “reason why” is strong enough then you will succeed. When your reason for getting in shape is strong enough then you will succeed. For some people that takes a visit to the doctors office and receiving bad news.  For others it simply takes just looking at their kids and saying to themselves “I plan to be here for them as long as possible and I will do everything in my power to accomplish that.”  Why??? Ask yourself this question.  Business, fitness, health, life. Let’s make it happen.  If you need some extra accountability feel free to send me and email to ask when my next Beachbbody Challenge group is starting.  This way you will be teamed up with at least 4 others, have access to me, private facebook group for questions and inspiration and you will all be doing the same program and have the same hurdles to jump. Your Beachbody program will fill in the other blanks. ie. What work out to do, when to do it and what to eat.

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