P90X Ab Ripper X- What to Expect!

P90X Ab Ripper X
P90X Ab Ripper X

P90X Ab Ripper X is an awesome ab and core work out that you will be doing 3 times a week after your normal work out for that day.  For example, if you just finished P90X chest and back which is almost an hour long you will be doing the Ab Ripper right after.  So on these 3 days be sure to set aside about 1 hour and 15 minutes to complete your work out.

Is Ab Ripper hard?  Well, if you are new to Ab work, then yes it will be difficult for you at first.  Do what you can and if you can’t do all the reps they do it is OK.  You will be able to do it all at the end of your 90 days.  One thing I noticed right away after the second time doing Ab Ripper was that my hip flexors were really sore.  I figured my abs might be sore but when my hip flexors ended up being the most sore from this I was surprised. I guess it it one of those muscle groups that I really never focused on.  I figured since I run, that area would not be sore.  Well. I guess I was wrong.   So if you are wondering if that is normal, then I would have to say yes. Some people have asked me if they can skip the Ab Ripper. My answer to this is to follow the 90 day work out exactly as it is laid out.  It is crucial that you work your core. This is your power source where you transmit force between your upper and lower body.

Here is what p90X Ab Ripper X looks like: (remember if you can’t do 25 reps then do what you can.)

p90x-ab-ripper-smIn and Outs- 25 reps

Seated bicycles- 25 reps forward and 25 reps backward

Seated Crunchy Frog- 25 reps

Crossed Leg/Wide Leg Sit Ups- 25 reps

Fifer Scissor- 25 reps

Hip Rock and Raise- 25 reps

Pulse Ups- 25 reps

Roll Up/V-Up Combo 25 reps

Oblique V-Ups 25 reps

Leg Climbs- 12 reps each leg

Mason Twist- 40 reps

If you still have any questions feel free to leave a comment or send me an email.  Just click on the contact page and my info is there.

Want to try out P90X, P90X2, P90X3 with all the nutrition guides plus many other workouts FREE for 30 days. Check out our Beachbody On Demand Streaming.

If you are ready to start your 90 day work out with P90X then let’s do this.


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