P90X Creator Tony Horton Checks Out Shakeology

P90X Creator Tony Horton Checks Out Shakeology and Shakeology ingredients! It’s one thing when I talk about how much I love Shakeology and how good it is for you but it is an entirely different thing when you get the man himself, creator of P90X, Tony Horton talk about Shakeology and the Shakeology ingredients.  To be honest I am really glad Tony made this video.  It really puts into perspective what a deal Shakeology really is.  For those of you that shop at the local health food store or local smoothie bar then you also know what a great deal Shakeology is to. I won’t get into the that again since I did a post titled Shakeology is so expensive… Really?

Anyway, check out the video below and be sure to watch it to the end.  Tony is hilarious. “Ohhh, fatty fat chips.” 🙂

If you have any other questions like How many servings  you get with Shakeology, Can I buy Shakeology in stores, Combining Shakeology with P90X  and if you can also go here–> if you would like to see some Shakeology testimonials and Shakeology success stories.

All I can say is that if you are even considering Shakeology then you should just do it now, try Shakeology for 30 days and if for any reason you are not happy you can get a refund. It is win win for you. Shakeology has helped thousands of others and I am sure it will help you to,

Buy Shakeology

and of course if you would like to save a few bucks and pair Shakeology with a workout then check out my Beachbody Total Solution page.

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