P90X2 P.A.P Upper- What to Expect with P90X2 P.A.P Upper

P90X2 P.A.P Upper

P90X2 P.A.P Upper.  So you are wondering what to expect with P90X2 P.A.P Upper. Once again I was totally in the dark and had no idea what I was going to get with p90X2 P.A.P upper. Planks on medicine balls, towel pull ups, step up hammer press. All in all I have to say that this workout was not to difficult for me. There were not any 1 legged balance movements (which P90X2 showed me is one of my weaknesses) so I pretty much can handle everything else.  The towel pull ups take some getting used to since in P90X you only have to hold on to the towel with one hand but in P90X2 you use 2 towels. Other than that this workout was doable but once again I was pretty prepared for P90X2.

From the P90X2 Workout Guide

“The same complex training format as P90X2 P.A.P Lower, but this time it’s focused on you upper body.  Remember when you were a kid, bouncing around, jumping fences and climbing trees?  Post-Activation Potentiation training will help bring back your youth.  Over time you will feel loose, springy and younger.”

Buy P90X2 Workout

P90X2 P.A.P Upper 51 minutes 57 seconds

What you need for P90X2 P.A.P Upper: Foam Roller (optional), bands, stability ball or towel and sturdy chair,weights or bands, 1 medicine ball (optional), weighted bar or broomstick or towel, chin up bar or bands with door attachment, chin up max or sturdy chair, 2 hand towels, plyo box or sturdy chair, water and towel.

Warm Up

Heel Walk

Feet Smackers

Burpee Salutation

World’s Greatest Stretch

Inch Worm



Foam Rolling

Roller Sphinx

Plange Push-Up

Band Pull-Apart


P90X2 P.A.P Upper Moves

Renegade Row

Plyo Push-Ups

Plank on Medicine Ball


–repeat sequence 3 more times–

Towel Pull-Ups

Medicine Ball Pike

Step-Up Hammer Press

Roller Angel

–repeat sequence 3 more times–

Cool Down and Stretch

Are you ready to mix it up with P90X2 P.A.P Upper?  Buy P90X2 now.


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