The Benefits of Keeping a P90X Journal/Diary

Maybe you kept a journal when you were younger and maybe you keep a journal or diary now but one thing is for sure, you will getp90x journal better results if you keep a work out diary/journal while you are doing P90X or any other work out regiment.  P90X comes with work out sheets so you can see where you are starting , how many reps you are doing, how much weight you are using and how you are progressing from week to week.  P90X also gives you the P90X nutrition plan to follow. You learned about P90X goal setting and now I am giving you another tip for success.  Write it down.  Write everything down.  When you wake up in the morning grab your diary/journal and and always keep it close at hand.  Write down what you eat, how you feel throughout out the day, how much water you drink, the time you do you P90X work out and everything you can think of.  These little entries might not mean much right now but as time goes on you start to look back and you will learn a lot about yourself. You will learn what certain foods do to your mood, you will learn what time of day you have the most energy, you will learn what stresses you out and so much more.

Keeping a P90X journal/diary doesn’t have to be time consuming and you don’t need anything fancy.  Just grab yourself a notebook, legal pad or put some loose pages in a binder and you are all set.  You don’t even have to make long entries.  Just put down enough information so you know what’s going on.  Enough information to help you later on.

Keeping a P90X journal/diary will definitely help you with your results as well as with your motivation.  You will always be able to look back and check your measurements, weight etc.  If you do not have one run out and grab something to write on today and get started.


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