What Wine has in store for Your Health

Without doubt, wine is so enjoyable that you may tend to forget that it is also healthy and good for your body as well, as long as it is taken inwine benefits moderate and regular quantities. There are so many health benefits and advantages that wine has in store for its drinkers. You drink and enjoy the moment – but the last thing you know is that you are also already keeping your body healthy, too.

The many health benefits of wine are credited to the skin of the grape, which is the main ingredient of wine. It has resveratrol which is responsible for protecting the body’s cells, thus making the cells strong and young. Saponins, another essential ingredient of wine, bind to bad cholesterol and take it away from the body. Meanwhile, flavonoids interfere with the spread of cancer cells, thereby decreasing the risk of developing some forms of cancer.

Wine also increases the high-density lipoprotein, which is considered as the good cholesterol. This cholesterol actually reduces the fat on the surfaces of the arteries where it takes away the fat and delivers it to the liver. The liver then processes the fat and turns them into waste. The body then eliminates it.

Regular and moderate wine consumption also contributes in slowing down memory loss and preventing the death of brain cells. This also lessens the risk of developing dementia and dementia-related disorders, such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases.

Procyanids, which are polyphenol compounds found in fine, also adds protection in the blood vessels. They additionally protect the endothelium, those protective tissues found around the heart and around the blood vessels. Flavonoids and other antioxidants, which are part of the wine’s composition, also appear to increase lung function and increase its efficiency, according to some studies. Moreover, regular and moderate consumption of wine also exhibits anti-inflammatory properties. It aids in preventing a heart condition termed as cardiac fibrosis, which is a phenomenon when protein builds up in the valves of heart, leading to thickening. This decreases the efficiency of the beating of the blood. The wine, then, helps in preventing these proteins from forming within the heart valves.

Another study published in 2003 by the American Journal of Gastroenterology revealed that individuals who drink a regular amount of wine have less chances of developing some forms of peptic ulcers. The wine helps in getting rid of specific bacteria that cause these ulcers.

Wine is also rich in antioxidants, since grapes, which wine is mainly made of, have a high antioxidant content. These antioxidants, in turn, slow down the development of arterial plaque buildup. The wine, through this, is able to prevent arthrosclerosis, and to reduce the risk of heart diseases.

There is no debate that wine helps the body a lot in obtaining the ideal health that it deserves. Studies conducted over time have only showed that with self-discipline and control, anyone will surely love and enjoy the goodness and the advantages of wine. The key there is really to deal with drinking wine in a regular and moderate manner. In this manner, it is ensured that only the safe and healthy amounts of the chemicals in wine are kept and maintained. Moderation is the key to prevent the bad effects of wine from being possible.

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