P90X and Back Pain! Can You Still do P90X?

p90x-back-pain I have had some questions from people asking me if they can still do P90X if they have back problems or if they have had surgery.  Well, that is a tricky question as I am not a doctor so I would never give medical advice but I can tell you my opinion from my own experience.  Back in 2002 I had back pain which turned into severe pain. It turns out that a piece of my disc had broken off and was obstructing my nerve.  If you want to talk about pain that was the worst I have ever felt. It hurt to do anything.  Immediately after surgery I felt relief. Walked out of the hospital the same day.  I wondered if this surgery would affect me in the future but I really had no choice since my back pain was so severe.  After 6 weeks I started doing some push ups again and a few weeks later I started lifting weights and running again. I still get sore from time to time but I think everyone does at some time or another.

So that is my background on my back and just like you I was wondering if P90X would be OK for me.  I decided to order it since it comes with a money back guarantee.  Started the program and I love it. There are a few moves that I completely skip just because it feels weird.  Might do them in the future but right now I will pass.  They are Plough and Shoulder Stand in P90X Yoga X and “The Dreya Roll” in P90X Core Synergistics.  Keep in mind there are 12 different DVD’s that come with P90X with 100’s of moves and there are only 3 that I don’t do.

I can honestly say that P90X has been awesome for my back. I definitely have seen huge results in my P90X results pictures. My entire core is stronger. My abs are stronger and my back is definitely stronger. Also the Yoga  X work out really helped me get some strength back in my right leg.  It was 6 yrs and my right leg was still weaker and smaller than the left because I was limping around for months.  Now they are pretty much equal again.  P90X will always be part of my work out routine in some way, shape or form for the rest of my life.

There are so many different types of back pain and I hope this helps you in some way.  My general rule of thumb is, if it hurts, don’t do it!  Your area of concern on your back could be very different than mine but I can tell you one thing.  You will strengthen a lot of core and ab muscles that will help you in the future.  So check with your Doctor to get the green light and start “Bringing It”.  If you have any specific questions feel free to send me an email.




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