Challenge Your Butt the Proper Way

Kelly Carlson
Kelly Carlson

Like any muscle in your body, the gluteus maximus requires specific exercises to properly tone and sculpt it.  However, there is a greater demand for areas such as the buttocks and the midsection for toning and sculpting regimen and equipment.  Perhaps this is because, these are areas that most people flaunt and most people look at.  The steps in getting your butt toned are not secret.  However, doing it religiously is a different matter.

Routines can be monotonous and may cause you to lose the initial spark and zeal of doing it.  Here are some tips and suggestion on how you can maintain the spark alive especially when you’ve been exercising and the results have yet to be achieved.

First and foremost, keep your body active.  Whether it is a simple walk through the park or a 10 km run, it helps to keep your energy up.  Keeping you body in constant motion will help increase your metabolism and thus help burn more calories.  Most people think that by just doing strength training they can achieve toner buttocks.  However, this is not the case.  A cardio workout is needed to lose all the unwanted fats.  So it’s important to keep your metabolic rate at a healthy level so you can burn more fats and achieve a toner butt.

Be sure to give you body some rest.  Doing strength training butt exercises like squats and lunges can help turn your flabby tushy into a stronger muscle group.  However, it is when you body is resting that actual growing of muscles occur.  So take the time to take a load off your butt so it will develop further.   So heed the advice of many experts to alternate cardio workout with strength training.  You burn while being active and you grow while taking a rest.

Challenge your butt properly.  Start with fewer repetitions and sets and gradually increase the number.  Squatting your way to a firmer and tighter butt is just not the right way to do it.  Your butt can take only so much so determine what is still healthy for you.  The key here is gradual increase.  In the same manner, adding resistance like weights and resistance bands must be done carefully.

A well-planned exercise routine works better than merely tiring your self.  Challenge your butt properly and you will see results.  Workout smarter and achieve more for your butt.

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