Does P90X Work without the Supplements?

P90X Does P90X work without the supplements? People often ask me what supplements I take on a daily basis and if I really need to take them if I am eating right.  My answer is always the same, most people need something. At least a high quality muti-vitamin.  I am not a nutritionist and I have no scientific information on why I suggest this but I do know how I feel when I take my supplements and I know how I feel with no supplements.  Guess what?  I choose to take the supplements.

When you are doing an extreme work out like p90X or Insanity you are depleting your body of a ton of energy, vitamins and minerals.  It only makes sense that you have to replenish your body and most times food alone just does not cut it.  You will still get results from P90X with no supplements but if you are feeling tired or lethargic then chances are your body is lacking something.  If you are lacking something then your work outs will suffer and then your results will suffer.  This is straight from Tony Horton’s book “Bring It” and he wants you to take his supplement challenge. For one week continue working out and eating clean but do not take any supplements. Then answer the 13 questions below.  At the start of the following week add your supplements back into your regiment and then answer the 13 questions again. Compare the number and you will see if supplements make a difference. Answer all questions on a 1-to-10 scale: 1=never and 10=always.  Make sure you are honest with yourself!

1. I experience sound, restful sleep most nights of the week.

2. I have plenty of energy throughout the day.

3. I have a healthy and normal appetite with very few craving.

4. I am happy with my present weight.

5. I’m enthusiastic about my fitness and have plenty of energy during exercise.

6. I’m good at handling stress.

7. I’m satisfied with the state of my libido.

8. My memory, cognition and mental acuity are good.

9. I have a good/full range of motion and am not experiencing joint pain.

10. My muscles are strong and lean and recover quickly after exercise.

11. My heart and long capacity are strong during cardiovascular exercise.

12. I have normal digestion with no stomach or intestinal issues.

13. I feel that i”m in good mental health, free from sadness, depression and anxiety.

Always remember one thing, supplements are supplementary to basic health maintenance. Supplements build upon a foundationof proper eating, sleep and rest. You can not live on supplements alone!

Wondering where to buy P90X supplements? You can get “everything” P90X from this site.

My favorite supplement: SHAKEOLOGY



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