Is It Normal to be Sore When Doing P90X?

sore during P90XAre you going to be sore when you start P90X?  Is it normal to be sore sore when doing P90X?  The answer I have to give to both of these questions is yes!  Even if you are in great shape there is a pretty good chance that P90X is going to hit some muscle groups that you have been neglecting.  For me i was sore for the first 12 days or so and then it wasn’t so bad until a new exercise was introduced but that soreness after the first 2 weeks is nothing compared to that initial soreness.  Don’t worry, you are not alone and it will go away.  Remember, you are doing something that your body is not used to right now.  You are going to have sore hip flexors, biceps, triceps, chest, abs, quads, calfs and most likely a few other muscle groups.  You have to work through it.  For me a hot shower and some stretching became my best friend.  The amount of time I spent i the shower doubled when I first started P90X but I have to say that those hot showers were like a miracle drug for me.

I have heard so many stories of people so sore that it was hard for them to walk up the stairs or someone could not bend over to pick something up.  Christina felt it in here arms when she lifted them to write on the chalk board.  So where ever it is you feel sore I just want to let you know that it is normal.  Where you feel sore will depend on your level of physical activity prior to P90X but just be prepared to feel it.

If you are really feeling it then in addition to the hot showers and stretching you might want to take a couple ibuprofen’s.  Also be sure to keep your body hydrated. Tony Horton does say in P90X to “Drink your water people“.  Take his advice and drink plenty of water.

Stick with it, work through it and do not confuse being sore with a strain or an injury. Keep pushing play every day and you will soon see some awesome changes in your body and in your life.

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