What Happens when You Take Collagen Powder Every Day

a picture of a woman sitting with a shake, collagen boost from Beachbody and strawberries

Can Taking Collagen Daily Really Benefit You?

What is all these buzz about collagen powder and how effective is it? You have probably heard about this popular supplement that is said to help you achieve healthier, younger-looking skin as well as reduce joint pain. Apparently, you can sprinkle collagen powder in your favorite coffee or add a scoop to power up your smoothie. You can also just simply pop a collagen supplement and you’re good to go.

Collagen can also be incorporated into your oatmeal, yogurts, soup, Jell-O, tea, and practicality into your whole lifestyle. Results from the Grand View Research reveal that in 2022, the collagen market worldwide has been valued at more than $9 billion. In addition, it is not showing any signs of its popularity or success slowing down at any time in the near future. Its growth continues on an upward progression.

This in-demand collagen supplement is technically made up of small bits of protein that are sourced from animals. And some branded products promise lofty benefits in their advertisements including the reduction of wrinkles. It makes you wonder though what happens for real when you make collagen a part of your daily diet regimen. It is time to dig deep and learn about the real score when it comes to collagen and the validity of the claims that have been associated with it.

The lowdown on collagen and collagen powder

In 2022, a published a review which defined collagen as made up primarily of the amino acids hydroxyproline, glycine, and proline. You see, the body is made up of lots of different proteins and the various types of collagen is included as part of these proteins. Because of this, collagen can be found anywhere and everywhere in the body such as in our skin, connective tissue, bones, and cartilages.

On the other hand, many animals have the same abundance of collagen as in human bodies. As such, collagen powder is collagen that is sourced from these other animals and the variety of collagen will depend on that particular animal. Bovine collagen is the one sourced from the cow while porcine collagen is from the pigs’ collagen. Marine collagen is sourced from fish body parts, skin, and scales.

However, it does not matter from which animal the collagen protein was sourced from because it is then processed and turned into the products of flavorless powder that is available on the market today. Collagen powder is typically sold in the form of a supplement that can be added to chocolates, bars, creamers, smoothies, and a wide selection of food and beverage recipes.

Potential benefits of taking collagen daily

In the world of dietary supplements, a lot of different promises are made by manufacturers just to lure in potential customers. The scenario can be the same in the collagen supplement market where manufacturers emphasize taking it daily if you want to maximize its proposed benefits. And so, if you want to have younger looking skin and healthier joints, then you also have to follow the directions stated on the label to the letter.

At the end of the day though, what you really want to know is the effect of collagen in the body as you take it daily. The results will tend to vary from one person to the next but listed below are some things that you might commonly observe. Just remember though that collagen is no magic bullet. It is not a cure-all for what you may need and want in a supplement despite the supporting data that exists for the following outcomes:

  1. It can minimize skin aging

If you take collagen every day, there is an increased possibility of you experiencing lesser instances of skin aging. It is apparent that as you age, you will lose collagen and you will notice your skin becoming dryer, thinner, or less elastic over time. The International Journal of Dermatology published a review in 2021 which focused on the comparison between those who do and those who do not use collagen as a supplement. The results indicated that daily intake of collagen for 90 days is associated with better elasticity and hydration. In addition, those who took collagen had fewer experiences of wrinkles on their skin.

  1. It can improve hair growth

What makes hair long and beautiful is the protein known as keratin for which it is made of. In turn, keratin is made from the amino acids that are found naturally in collagen. Needless to say, when you take in collagen, you are fueling your body with the same amino acids that will help produce the keratin to grow your hair. A study was conducted in 2022 and published via the International Journal of Molecular Sciences. It was found that if you need extra support with regrowing your hair or preventing hair loss, then taking collagen just might help with that. On the other hand, additional well-organized clinical trials on human subjects are needed in order to firmly establish this relationship.

  1. It can facilitate better recovery with resistance training

It is a fact that collagen may not be complete as a protein as it does not have the tryptophan essential amino acid. On the other hand, there is some evidence found in the current opinion in clinical nutrition & metabolic care in 2022 that suggests that supplementing with collagen may allow for recovery after you practice resistance training. In addition, collagen supplementation has been associated with pain reduction and strength improvement in those who do resistance training like that you get with BODi.

  1. It can strengthen bones

The office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion has estimated that about 10 million of Americans aged above 50 years old suffer from osteoporosis. This statistic certainly emphasizes the importance of focusing on your bone health. Your bones will deteriorate as you age but the goal is to be able to keep them strong enough for as long as you can. The good news is that collagen can impact the structure as well as the strength of your bones. In a study published in Nutrients in 2018, it was found that there are certain collagen peptides that can help increase the density of bone mineral and at the same time minimize bone breakdown in post menopause.

adding collagen to a cup of coffee

  1. It can help reduce joint pain

If you take collagen supplement on a daily basis, it could help minimize pain in your joints. This is especially true for those who suffer from joint pain. A systematic review done in 2021 and published in the National Center for Biotechnology Information indicated that individuals who received 5-15 grams of collagen peptide as a supplement daily experienced a reduction in joint pain and functionality in comparison with those who didn’t not receive the supplementation. This effect will not be the same or be that successful for everyone though and that more research is required in order to understand how the mechanism actually works.

  1. It can speed up the healing process

The thing about collagen is that it is a component of the skin so if you have it in abundant quantities, it can help in speeding up the healing of your wounds. A clinical trial conducted in 2019 and published in The Journal of International Society for Burn Injuries revealed that supplements that are hydrolyzed collagen-based can help with the healing process by expediting it. In particular, it was found in the randomized controlled trial that in subjects who had 20%-30% body surface burns, wound healing was sped up and the length of hospital stay was significantly reduced.

What’s in it for you?

One thing about any kind of supplement is that they aren’t regulated by the FDA or the Food and Drug Administration and apparently, collagen supplements are not exempted from this. It is therefore crucial for you to choose collagen supplement brands that are tested by third party verifiers and manufactured by companies which adhere to sound manufacturing practices. As such, before buying any collagen product, know who you’re buying it from ans watch out for products that contain contain too many sugars or unnecessary fillers.

Also, in case you are taking other nutritional supplements or multivitamins, make sure that the collagen supplement that you are taking does not have any additional nutrients in them so you can avoid over-supplementation. On the other hand, you can also choose a particular collagen product based on the kind of benefits that you are looking for. Collagen supplements come in different types but the most common ones are classified as type I, II, and III. You can go for type I or combine type I and type III collagen if you want the best of its healthy aging benefits. But for pain relief, type II collagen is typically deemed most beneficial in this respect.

At the end of the day

As you know by now, collagen as a supplement is currently enjoying the spotlight in a significant period of popularity. It is really no wonder why this is so, considering the most sought after benefits that it can potentially provide. It has been incorporated into various recipes and products with the goal of achieving accelerated wound healing, healthier bones, and younger looking skin.

At the end of the day however, it would be unrealistic to assume that if you take it on a daily basis, you will indeed have super strong bones or lesser joint pain. The data available on collagen supplementation is showing a lot of promise when it comes to helping people improve their quality of life. However, some more well-designed studies on the subject are still needed to confirm such an association.

If you have been thinking about giving it a shot though, there are no evident or major downsides to the regular intake of collagen supplements for as long as you are taking them in accordance with the manufacturer’s specific instructions, they contain high quality ingredients and are also third-party tested. Because of this, you can say that it won’t hurt for you to try it out as it could actually work to your advantage. To be on the safe side though, it is recommended that you consult your own personal health care provider for more individualized guidance on collagen supplementation.

buy collagen boost from beachbody

Collagen Boost by BODi is a great option to add into your daily regiment.

What’s inside of BODi Collagen Boost?

BODi Collagen Boost is made with a bio-available form of collagen peptides created by a process of breaking down collagen proteins.

What’s the source of collagen peptides in BODi Collagen Boost?

BODi Collagen Boost peptides are sourced from bovine hides.

What type of collagen is in BODi Collage Boost?

The collagen peptides in BODi Collagen Boost are from mainly type 1, the most prevalent type of collagen, as well type 3 collagen. Both type 1 and type 3 have been studied for skin and nail benefits.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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